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Our first priority is to provide you with the best possible podiatric care.  It is important to our office that you have a clear understanding of our billing policy.  Our providers participate in most of the major health insurance plans in the region. Each visit is billed according to clinical information. We will bill your insurance carrier for services rendered. Any balance that is not covered by your insurance carrier will be billed to you. 


Please be aware that with many health plans, there may be deductibles and copayments which are due at the time of service.  


We Accept All Insurance Plans


*Exception: Summa Medicare Advantage Plan.  

*If you live in Pennsylvania please call to see if we are on your plan


Our office is committed to protecting your privacy and your personal health information.  We take pride in being compliant with HIPAA and strive to ensure privacy.  


What billing or insurance information will I receive?

​You will receive a copy of your bill. After your insurance has paid, we'll provide you with a statement approximately every 6 weeks.


How long will it take to get things settled with the insurance company?

Generally, it takes from 45 to 60 days to obtain payment from an insurance carrier.​​​


​I received a notice that my insurance company has paid on my bill -- but I can't understand how they calculated their payment amount. Do you know?

​If we have received any such information from your insurance company, we'll be glad to share it with you. However, for answers to any questions about insurance payments, deductibles, or co-payments, you generally need to check with your insurance company.


I made a payment but I don't see it on my statement? 

The payment that you made was applied to the oldest date of service and may have created a zero balance, and that will no longer show on your statement.  If you need a listing of payment made please contact the office for an itemized print out.


Why am I being billed for surgical procedures when I did not have surgery?

Insurance companies classify some procedures (such as nail care, injections, etc.) as surgical procedures even though they are not performed in an operating room setting.


Why does the same code appear twice on my statement, for example X-rays?

When we bill the insurance companies we have to account for some procedures or images that may have been done on both the right and left extremity.






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